Maintain a fitness diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and other nutrients.

Fitness Diet

You can maintain good health and fitness by engaging in easy physical activities like yoga, jogging, sports, aerobics, walking, running, leaping, and dancing.

Physical Activities

Water maintains the level of our bodily fluids, hydrates our skin, and cleanses our system. It is recommended that one should drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water every day.

Drink Water

It is scientifically established that eating five smaller meals at 4-hour intervals would be healthy for us and the key to preventing binge eating. This is in contrast to eating three large meals at longer intervals. 

Eat More Often

Avoid drinking, Avoid smoking,Avoid junk food, processed food, foods with high cholesterol, salt, sugar, and oil.

Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

It is never a good idea to miss meals because it is a bad habit. It disrupts your metabolic cycle and makes the digestion of subsequent meals more challenging.

Don’t Skip Meals

Eat before you start to feel hungry because you usually eat more when you are already hungry.

Don’t Wait Till You Are Hungry